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Yoga in Arctic Forest
Price includes 1 person.


Arctic Sky Lapland / Kiilopää Rentalminna@arcticskylapland.com+358449772351Company id:3156374-6Merchant terms

Forest yoga is fun, relaxing and refreshing experience. Wandering in the forest, we open up our senses to the surrounding environment, experiencing nature connection with the Arctic nature. As breating is connected to movement we find balance to body and mind.

We perform some relaxed and gentle forest yoga and breathing exercises, resulting to calm nervous system. The practice will be closed with short meditation and relaxation.

Practice is made mostly in standing position, but we are going to lean on the trees and maybe even sit on the ground. So do not dress on your best outfit for this experience! You can bring a blanket to make you warm and something to sit on (a mat or seat pad). This tour is cancelled during heavy rain, but gentle rain does not stop us for doing yoga!

Forest gives an unique surrounding to the practice allowing it to be different every time. Finnish people have had a special relationship with forests throughout the times: the forest has given us nutrition and medicinal plants, shelter against enemies, and it has served as a sacred place for religious purposes.

Receach has shown that spending time in forest boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, improves mood. Spending time in forest is an act for better health!

Forests are important in a bigger picture, too: forests help to keep people healthy by purifying the air that we breathe. Absorbing carbon dioxide, trees remove other harmful pollutants from the air and pump out oxygen! 

Please notice! During winter time, we have a lot of snow and it can give some extra challenge to our forest yoga class. Please dress up with warm clothes and winter boots suitable for moving around in snow! Tour is cancelled, when having extreme temperatures (below -25 degrees Celsius).